Living toxin free is a big spectrum and hard to achieve now a days .Toxins are every where let's talk about the toxins in our personal care products and how to avoid them.

I remember my childhood living in India where ALL my personal care products were natural.

We used to wash our hair with soap nuts soaked over night hair thanked me for it I had no hair Fall or dandruff the modern day hair problems we all face.

We used clean our teeth with neem sticks or tooth powder made of salt and soda or charcoal powder and believe me my first dental visit was when I was 20 years old for a wisdom tooth extraction this was possible due to our low sugar diet as well.

We had a very sustainable approach in our day to day life we never had much of fancy products or supermarkets filled with personal care products with overwhelming choices. We used to wash our dishes with charcoal powder made out of coconut shells after extracting the cant be more sustainable toxic free than this.

Why I am explaining all this is because being toxin free or sustainable or zero waste is not easy ,not cheap it is hard work and only achievable when you make it a way of life.

The one best swap you can do in your personal care products is move from plastic bottled body wash to bar soap it is a easy swap and one that is manageable. Try to read labels of your skin care products and identify toxins the bigger the list of ingredients the easy it is to hide the toxins.

My passion for toxin free sustainable and zero waste is what led me start Sintra Naturals I have taken lot of care in formulating the recipes and choosing the packaging...As our products are toxin free they texture changes with the temperature in winter they might be bit hard and in summer bit runny but that's the compromise we have to make if we have to avoid the unnecessary synthetic texture enhancers.

We tried the best to make the consistency of the products user friendly maintaining the toxin free ethos...hope you all enjoy the products and appreciate the honest toxin free affordable products.


Love sintra 


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