We all have been victims of dandruff at some point of our hair journey ..And it is a tough , inconvenient and embarrassing scalp affliction to have.

There are 4 types of dandruff and identifying which kind we have is the most important step in treating it the right way.

  • Fungal Dandruff.
  • Oil-Based Dandruff.
  • Dry Scalp-Related Dandruff.
  • Skin Condition-Related Dandruff.


Dry skin dandruff

This is a common type of dandruff. It tends to happen more often in the winter months as cold weather and indoor heating can dry out your skin, including the skin on your scalp.

Washing your hair frequently in hot water can also lead to dry skin dandruff.

A scalp that’s too dry can become irritated and shed skin cells. Dry skin dandruff flakes are small and white. Your scalp may feel itchy, but not excessively so.

If the itchiness becomes severe, you may have a more serious skin condition that requires a medical professional’s care.

To help prevent dry skin dandruff, use a sulphate free shampoo and massage the scalp with rich oils like our exotic scalp and hair oil which helps to  relieve itchiness and prevent the skin on your scalp from drying out.


Oily skin dandruff

Just below the surface of your skin are glands that produce sebum, an oily substance that helps moisturize and protect your skin. When these sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, it can make you hair oily.

Also, the excess oil can clump together, irritating your scalp and causing dandruff.

Oily skin dandruff flakes tend to be larger than dry skin dandruff. The flakes may look more yellow than white, and may appear oilier, too.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a more severe form of oily skin dandruff.

Shampooing 2 times a week and not using heat related styling tools help to control the excess oil production.

Fungus-related dandruff

A type of common fungus called Malassezia is found on the skin of every human being. In some people, it can trigger an inflammatory response that produces dandruff or other conditions, such as eczema.

Using a shampoo with Malassezia-inhibiting ingredients, such as zinc pyrithione, may help treat fungus-related dandruff.

Applying diluted tea tree oil in extra virgin olive oil and Apple cider vinegar rub on the scalp help to control the fungus ,if the problem persists we should see a dermatologist.


Some common skin conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis, can affect your scalp and cause dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis occurs more often in people with oily skin. It is a severe form of oily skin dandruff. In addition to flakes, this common scalp condition can cause red scaly patches and itching.

One of the most effective ways to treat dandruff caused by seborrheic dermatitis is with a shampoo that contains zinc pyrithione and natural remedies would be using apple cider vinegar or diluted lemon juice wash along with the doctors recomendations.


Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is characterized by patches of flaky, itchy skin, and sometimes a red rash.

When it appears on your scalp, this inflammatory condition can cause flakes that are usually larger than dry skin dandruff flakes. You may also notice red, irritated skin on your scalp.

Using a gentle, moisturizing shampoo like our vegan shampoo bar helps, though you may need a stronger topical treatment prescribed by a doctor.


Psoriasis is thought to be an autoimmune condition in which skin cells grow too quickly, causing thick, scaly patches to form on the skin.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, about 50 percent of people who have psoriasis also have scalp psoriasis.

Scalp psoriasis may appear as fine, powdery flakes with a silver sheen. It may also appear as raised, inflamed, scaly patches of skin covered with a silvery-white buildup of dead skin cells.

Using our hair oil and vegan shampoo bar control psoriasis flare ups but proper doctor consultation is needed to find out the root cause.


Healthy diet and eliminating food allergies is one of the main intervention that helps majorly with any kind of dandruff.


A healthy lifestyle can also benefit your scalp health in several ways. In particular, try to:

  • Manage your stress, as high levels of stress can weaken your immune system and exacerbate certain skin conditions, like seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Eat a healthy dietthat includes plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, B vitamins, and probiotics.
  • Limit hairstyling products, including hair dyes, which may irritate your skin or leave oils and chemicals on your scalp that may increase your risk of developing dandruff.
  • Avoid hot water. Use lukewarm water instead to wash your hair.




Fenugreek seeds: Soak the seeds overnight and make them into a paste and apply before hair wash and leave it for an hour ,rinse with mild sulphate free shampoo.

Baking soda paste: Oil the hair first and scrub the scalp with baking powder paste this will control the PH of the scalp and help reduce dandruff.

Apple cider vinegar: Dilute ACV in distilled water 1 part ACV to 2 parts water and massage onto the scalp leave it for 20min and rinse off.

Tea tree oil : Mix few drops of tea tree oil in extra virgin olive oil and massage the scalp this will help treat the fungal dandruff effectively .

Use a cotton head scarf when going out in sun to prevent environmental damage to scalp and hair.

Reduce oily and deep fried food and limit sugar intake and drink lemon water regularly to cleanse the body of toxins which will help in effective detoxification .



All our hair care products are developed to not irritate any underlying scalp conditions and will help soothe the scalp and reduce hair fall and improve hair growth and shine.


we do not make any medical claims with any of our products and request our customers to seek medical help if they have any severe underlying or ongoing skin conditions. 

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