Why Adding Essential Oils To Soap Isn’t Sustainable

Why Adding Essential Oils To Soap Isn’t Sustainable Essential oils have long been around in the cosmetic and beauty industry. Dozens of companies have used them at least once in their products, touting these oils as a natural solution to a whole range of issues and concerns. 

But amidst all the hype around essential oils, it’s not surprising that not everything you know about essential oils is real. In this article, we’ll tell you exactly why adding essential oils to soap isn’t sustainable practice. 

Environmental impact of essential oils Essential oils, also known as aromatherapy oils, are widely known for their various things, including their therapeutic benefits. Outside of the cosmetic industry, people also use them with diffusers and air purifiers, while some even include essential oils in food and beverages. 

However, there’s actually a dark side to the industry that not a lot of people know about. Did you know that it takes around a huge amount of work and natural resources to create essential oils? It takes 250 pounds of lavender, 10,000 pounds of rose petals, and 1500 lemons to make lavender oil, rose oil, and lemon oil, respectively. 

With such a high concentration, you would think essential oils in soaps would be very beneficial, right? 

Why it doesn’t work in soaps Wrong. 

During the process of soap-making, many essential oils actually evaporate and simply dissipate into the air. As the soap cures, any remaining oil will continue to evaporate. 

Of course, the soaps may still–in fact, many do–retain the scent, but they will not have any benefits whatsoever. For instance, rose essential oil, which is said to be able to make skin softer, will no longer have the same effect if it’s added to soap. Instead, it will just be fragrance, which doesn’t need to be an essential oil anyway. 

Why do companies add essential oils to soap? Considering the monumental impact of essential oil extraction on the environment, why do companies and businesses still prefer to add essential oils to their soaps? 

Sadly, the truth is that there’s no single answer to this question. Many companies continue the practice because they don’t know a better way to add scent into their soap. Some simply believe that essential oils don’t evaporate. 

Others have a shadier reason: they know that many people like essential oils because of all the benefits they provide, and adding essential oils to their soaps will legally let them claim the same benefits for their products. This is despite the fact that soaps do not at all retain the benefits of essential oils after going through the soap-making process. 

What’s the better alternative? If you’re all for sustainable practices, you shouldn’t be supporting the use of essential oils in soap-making. After all, soaps work fine even without essential oils. The better alternative would be to direct the use of essential oils to other products that will further enhance their benefits. 

Here at Sintra Beauty, we don’t add essential oils to our soap, knowing that their benefits won’t be retained. Instead, we believe in creating unscented, all-natural soaps that are guaranteed to still give you all the results that you want and deserve, at no expense of the environment. Support #SintraBeauty now and give love to Mother Nature!

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